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Matches 251 to 300 of 381
# | Notes | Linked to |
251 | There are several Jan Missals, and it is not easy to find the data on "our" Jan. We know from Justina's birth certificate: Jan was married to Marianne Broneska and was born around 1775. He has a brother, Andreas, who was 4 years older and was therefore born around 1771. Another Jan from Psary was married to Anna Christine Kasse. This cannot be a new marriage of "our" Jan, because the births in both families overlap. Then there is another Jan Gottlieb Missal who was married to Anna Branoski. The following reasons suggest that this is not "our" Jan: Jan is always called Jan and never "Jan Gottlieb". And Marianne is sometimes called Marianne and sometimes Maria, but never Anna. Nothing was found about Andreas; the father of Jan is unknown. | Missal, Johann (50456444)
252 | Tod in Sibirien nach Zwangsumsiedlung 1815/1816. Die Familie erzählt von Hunger und Entbehrung. Death in Siberia after forced resettlement of 1815/1816: The family tells of hunger and hardship. | Grunwald, Ludwig (70684704)
253 | Tod in Sibirien nach Zwangsumsiedlung 1815/1816. Die Familie erzählt von Hunger und Entbehrung. Death in Siberia after forced resettlement of 1815/1816: The family tells of hunger and hardship. | Blantz, Juliane (7629760)
254 | Verlustenliste 1. Weltkrieg. Aufruf über genealogy.net. | Source (74141616)
255 | Was called Wilhelmine in the Marriage of Daughter Mathilda with Stanislaw Sommerfeld | Ringer, Karolina (29161876)
256 | Wirth Michael Templin starb am 5. Feb 7 Uhr morgens und wurde am 7. Feb Begraben. Todesursache Entzüngsfieber. | Source (82466034)
257 | Witness of Birth of Wilhelmine Sommerfeld | Ickert, Karl (98382364)
258 | Witness of Birth: Johann Strauch Witness of Birth: Wilhelm Goltz Godparent: Johann Strauch Godparent: Wilhelm Goltz Godparent: Anna Martin Witness of Marriage: Karl Heck Witness of Marriage: Friedrich Kühn Witness of Marriage of Wilhelm Sommerfeld / Augustine Neumann Ausgewandert nach Ostpreussen: https://agoff.de/?p=87025&id=2436&table=migranten_ostpr_1930#erg "Instmann., beschäftigt gewesen auf Gut Paulsdorf, wo er seit April 1921 wohnte. Am 11.10.1933 zu Paulsdorf verstorben. Seine Ehefrau Karoline Sommerfeld geb. Heck und seine Kinder sind noch in Paulsdorf wohnhaft. Die Einbürgerungsurkunde mit dem Vermerk der preußischen Staatsangehörigkeit ist am 05.12.1923 von dem Regierungspräsidenten in Marienwerder ausgestellt worden und hat die Nummer G Nr. I 6576 03." | Sommerfeld, Julius (61604948)
259 | Witness of Birth: Andreas Missal, an uncle Witness of Birth: Gottfried Gehler Witness of Marriage with Wilhelm Martin: Christian Schrader Witness of Marriage with Wilhelm Martin: Michael Seram Witness of Marriage with Wilhelm Riske: Wilhelm Riske Witness of Marriage with Wilhelm Riske: Wilhelm Missal | Missal, Justina (17687896)
260 | Witness of Birth: Anton Piasecki Witness of Birth: Miochael Lokstädt Godparent: Anton Piasecki Godparent: Marianne Klubowszewska Witness of Marriage: Julius Sommerfeld Witness of Marriage: August Sommerfeld | Sommerfeld, Ludwig (81590618)
261 | Witness of Birth: August Krebs Witness of Birth: Gottfried Kühn Godparent: August Krebs Godparent: Wilhelmine Sager Witness of Marriage: David Krampitz Witness of Marriage: August Siewert Witness of Marriage of Adolf Sommerfeld / Mathilde Siewert Witness of Marriage of Ludwig Sommerfeld / Juliane Fritz Lived after the marriage in Bielany (farm of father-in-law?) but was still registered in Trojnia. See birth record of Theophilia. | Sommerfeld, August (55788584)
262 | Witness of Birth: August Milling Witness of Birth: August Pokrant Godparent: August Milling Godparent: August Pokrant Godparent: Juliane Pokrant Witness of Marriage: August Sommerfeld Witness of Marriage: Wilhelm Sommerfeld | Siewert, Mathilde (26028854)
263 | Witness of Birth: August Schmalz Witness of Birth: Wilhelm Schmalz Godparent: Susanne Schmalz Godparent: Jan Sommerfeld The civil record gives Jan as the name, this is contradicting the birth certificate. | Sommerfeld, Karl (94367268)
264 | Witness of Birth: Christoph Geske Witness of Birth: Friedrich Wentzel Godparent: Christoph Geske Godparent: Marianne Janowska Witness of Death: Martin Grams | Sommerfeld, Eduard (94722068)
265 | Witness of Birth: Christoph Mirling Witness of Birth: Gottlieb König Godparent: Christoph Mirling Godparent: Malgorzata Bylecka Witness of Death: Michael Arndt Witness of Death: Gottlieb König | Preuss, Susanne (63494228)
266 | Witness of Birth: Gottfried Inter Witness of Birth: Gottfried Kall Godparent: Gottfried Inter Godparent: Gottfried Kall Godparent: Rosalie Polchinski Witness of Marriage: August Sommerfeld Witness of Marriage: Wilhelm Sommerfeld Killed in Action in World War I No information between 1903 and his death found. As it is assumed he was a German soldier, he must have moved away from Russian Poland during this period. | Sommerfeld, Adolf (98590671)
267 | Witness of Birth: Gottfried Kall Witness of Birth: Wilhelm Hensel Godparent: Karolina Günther Godparent: Gottfried Kall Godparent: Wilhelm Hensel Witness of Marriage: Georg Giese Witness of Marriage: Hermann Adam | Sommerfeld, Gustav (17033200)
268 | Witness of Birth: Gottfried Kall Witness of Birth: Wilhelm Nerenberg Godparent: Wilhelm Nerenberg Godparent: Emilia Martin Godparent: Gottfried Kall Witness of Marriage: Ludwig Beier Witness of Marriage: Julius Sommerfeld Witness of Marriage of Adolf Sommerfeld / Mathilde Siewert No information after 1906 found. | Sommerfeld, Wilhelm (70078244)
269 | Witness of Birth: Gottfried König Witness of Birth: Michael Patzer Witness of Marriage: Michael Wruk Witness of Marriage: Samuel Sippel Witness of Death: Stanislaus Gabriel Witness of Death: Benjamin Bohr "...leaves behind his wife, as well as three sons and two daughters." Anna Luise died between 1853 and 1868. 4 sons born. Karl, Georg, Christoph and Johann Ludwig. One must have died before 1853. 3 daughters born. Anna Susanne, Julianne and Anna Luise. Anna Susanne died 1844. | Preuss, Jakob (87174466)
270 | Witness of Birth: Gottfried König Witness of Birth: Michael Patzer | Preuss, Jakob (8316712)
271 | Witness of Birth: Gottfried Sommerfeld Witness of Birth: Jan Wiss Godparent: Gottfried Sommerfeld Witness of Marriage: Jan Kopf Witness of Marriage: August Schmalz Nach Rosenpol umgezogen 28. Jun 1885 | Sommerfeld, Wilhelm (81228418)
272 | Witness of Birth: Gottlieb Dietke Witness of Birth: Michael Günther Godparent: Gottlieb Dietke Godparent: Karolina Lockstädt Witness of Death: Michael Missal Witness of Death: Christoph Dietke | Martin, Gottlieb (20526588)
273 | Witness of Birth: Gottlieb Holland Witness of Birth: Jan Jeske Godparent: Jan Jeske Godparent: Regina Beutz Witness of Marriage: Karl Kopp Witness of Marriage: Gottfried Tont | Jeske, Mathilda (15193752)
274 | Witness of Birth: Gottlieb König Witness of Birth: Christoph Preuss Godparent: Gottlieb König Godparent: Rosina Woyciechowska. | Sommerfeld, Eva Rosina (26110191)
275 | Witness of Birth: Gottlieb Riske Witness of Birth: Gottfried Woida Godparent: Gottlieb Riske Godparent: Sussane Woida | Sommerfeld, Michael (92489528)
276 | Witness of Birth: Gottlieb Sager Witness of Birth: Johann Strauch Godparent: Gottlieb Sager Godparent: Eva Strauch Witness of Marriage: August Sommerfeld (NOT the brother) Witness of Marriage: Gottlieb Vogel Witness of Death: Martin Neumann Witness of Death: Ludwig Klingbeil Died 3 days after stillborn child (1. Sep), her father being witness Her father Gottfried Sommerfeld died 2 days later (6. Sep) | Sommerfeld, Emilie (10673676)
277 | Witness of Birth: Gottlieb Thiede Witness of Birth: Wilhelm Missal Godparent: Gottlieb Thiede Godparent: Karolina Missal Witness of Marriage: Gustav Lück Witness of Marriage: August Missal Witness of Death: Ludwig Kühn Witness of Death: Wilhelm Hensel | Martin, Anna Rosina (91256759)
278 | Witness of Birth: Jakob Stankevich Godparent: Joakob Stankevich Godparent: Emilia Sonnenberg | Sommerfeld, Johann (72810393)
279 | Witness of Birth: Jan Gewiss Witness of Birth: Kasimir Gusiekigo Godparent: Anna Felsch Godparent: Jan Gewiss Witness of Marriage with Paulina Gucinski: Eduard Gucinski Witness of Marriage with Paulina Gucinski: Gottlieb Brodel Witness of Marriage with Maria Amelia Klingbeil: Julius Brodel Witness of Marriage with Maria Amelia Klingbeil: Ludwig Jeske Godparent of Karl Sommerfeld Witness of Death of Maria Amelia Klingbeil The marriage between Johann and Augustina was not found. | Sommerfeld, Johann (38628926)
280 | Witness of Birth: Jan Lewandowski Witness of Birth: Jan Wendland Godparent: Jan Wendland Godparent: Marianne Lewandowski | Preuss, Juliane (91341097)
281 | Witness of Birth: Jan Loose Witness of Birth: Matthias Serwar Witness of Marriage with Dorothea: Michael Burkhard Witness of Marriage with Dorothea: Martin Sommerfeld Witness of Marriage with Rosina: Gustav Lück Witness of Marriage with Rosina: August Missal Witness of Death: Ludwig Kühn Witness of Death: Wilhelm Hensel Witness of Birth of Wilhelm Sommerfeld Godparent of Wilhelm Sommerfeld Witness of Marriage of Karl Preuss / Caroline Grams Witness of Death of Theophilia Sommerfeld | Sommerfeld, Gottfried (43021476)
282 | Witness of Birth: Jan Piasecki Witness of Birth: Jan Bohr Godparent: Gertrud Gralinski Godparent: Jan Piasecke Witness of Marriage: Karl Kopp Witness of Marriage: Gottfried Tont | Sommerfeld, Stanislaw (71683603)
283 | Witness of Birth: Jan Piasecki Witness of Birth: Jan Benke Godparent: Jan Piasecki Godparent: Justina Benke Witness of Marriage: Gottfired Sommerfeld Witness of Marriage: Wilhelm Sommerfeld The birth certificate says born in Lublieniec Holendry, the marriage certificate says born in Piotrowo. | Preuss, Karl (6877442)
284 | Witness of Birth: Jan Riske Witness of Birth: Eduard Wegner Godparent: Karolina Fryzimska Godparent: Ludwig Krüger Witness of Marriage: Jan Kopf Witness of Marriage: August Schmalz | Krüger, Rosalie (80199736)
285 | Witness of Birth: Jan Sonnenburg Witness of Birth: Andreas Müller Godparent: Jann Sonnenburg Godparent: Justina Thiede Witness of Birth of Teophilia Sommerfeld Godparent of Teophilia Sommerfeld Witness of Death of Teophilia Sommerfeld Witness of Death of Wilhelmine Sommerfeld Brother of Anna Rosina Sommerfeld nee Martin. | Martin, Johann (45864017)
286 | Witness of Birth: Jan Wendland Witness of Birth: Jan Schulz Gidparent: Jan Schulz Godparent: Zaslatta Wendland | Preuss, Anna Luise (50893064)
287 | Witness of Birth: Johann Martin Witness of Birth: Michael Borowski Godparent: Johann Martin Godparent: Michael Borowski Godparent: Emilia Hensel Witness of Death: Gottfried Sommerfeld Witness of Death: Johann Martin | Sommerfeld, Theophilia (22072915)
288 | Witness of Birth: Julius Büttner Witness of Birth: Daniel Palke Godparent: Petronella Piasecki Godparent: Michael Rychlinski Witness of Death: August Winkel Witness of Death: Wilhelm Sommerfeld | Sommerfeld, Josef (21771053)
289 | Witness of Birth: Karl Ickert Witness of Birth: Friedrich Hohertz Godparent: Justina Thiede Godparent: Friedrich Hohertz Witness of Death: Johann Martin | Sommerfeld, Wilhelmine (46587296)
290 | Witness of Birth: Ludwig Affeldt Witness of Birth: Karl Flügel Godparent: Ludwig Affeldt Godprent: Karl Flügel Godparent: Luise Lenz Witness of Marriage: David Krampitz Witness of Marriage: August Sievert | Affeldt, Emilie (10815312)
291 | Witness of Birth: Ludwig Beier Witness of Birth: Wilhelm Beier Godparent: Ludwig Beier Godparent: Wilhelm Beier Godparent: Juliane Dyl Witness of Marriage: Ludwig Beier Witness of Marriage: Julius Sommerfeld | Neumann, Auguste (33244032)
292 | Witness of Birth: Ludwig Martin Witness of Birth: Johann Strauch Godparent: Ludwig Martin Godparent: Eva Strauch No further information found | Sommerfeld, Ludwig (93712152)
293 | Witness of Birth: Ludwig Reiter Witness of Birth: August Siewert Godparent: Ludwig Reiter Godparent: August Siewert Witness of Marriage: Karl Heck Witness of Marriage: Friedrich Kühn | Heck, Karoline (73781640)
294 | Witness of Birth: Martin Benke Witness of Birth: Michael Janke Witness of Marriage: Martin Sommerfeld Witness of Marriage: Jan Wendland Witness of Death: Karl Ickert Witness of Death: Martin Sommerfeld, his brother | Sommerfeld, (Jan) August (28763489)
295 | Witness of Birth: Martin Ebert Witness of Birth: Ludwig Jakubowski Godparent: Ludwig Jakubowski Godparent: Karlotta Böttcher Witness of Death: Lukas Jablonski Witness of Death: Vincent Kaminski | Sommerfeld, Gustav Friedrich (31721988)
296 | Witness of Birth: Martin Sommerfeld Witness of Birth: Christoph Preiss Taufpaten: Godparent: Martin Sommerfeld Godparent: Susanna Glaser | Preuss, Johann Ludwig (6492353)
297 | Witness of Birth: Martin Sommerfeld Witness of Birth: Jan Bohr Godparent: Martin Sommerfeld Godparent: Marianna Liebstädt Witness of Death: Peter Glaser Witness of Death: Wilhelm Sommerfeld | Sommerfeld, Martin (57857884)
298 | Witness of Birth: Michael Benke Witness of Birth: Christopf Mirling Godparent: Karolina Nickel Godparent: Michael Benke Witness of Marriage: Ludwig Jeske (43) Witness of Marriage: Ludwig Jeske (29) | Preuss, Christoph (42241692)
299 | Witness of Birth: Michael Benke Witness of Birth: Gottlieb König Godparent: Michael Benke Godparent: Anna Susanna Kühn Witness of Death: Gottlieb König Witness of Death: Michael Benke | Sommerfeld, Anna Susanne (75353003)
300 | Witness of Birth: Michael Lokstädt Witness of Birth: Stanislaus König Godparent: Michael Lokstädt Godparent: Justina Schröder Witness of Marriage: Gottfried Tont Witness of Marriage: Ludwig Abram | Sommerfeld, Juliane (49541232)